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AgFood Future Convenes Roundtable on Sustainable Development in Agri-Food

Bridging China and the World for a Sustainable Future



Beijing, China – July 25, 2023 – AgFood Future (AGF), a leading non-profit organization dedicated to the sustainable development of the agri-food industry, today announced the successful conclusion of its “Agri-Food Low-Carbon Sustainable Development Roundtable Forum” and successful launch of its “Sustainable Future Initiative” in Beijing.

This event was hosted by AgFood Future with support from the State Food and Nutrition Consultant Committee, the China Circular Economy Association, the Food and Nutrition Development Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Zhonghuan Joint Certification Center, and the Beijing Agricultural Zhongguancun Industrial Alliance.

The Roundtable event detailed the needs and best practices for green and sustainable development of the agricultural and food industry in China. It also launched a cross-field communication and cooperation platform, promoted the establishment of a think tank for experts in the sustainable development of agricultural agriculture and food in China, and advocated for the high-quality development of the entire industry.

AgFood Future’s Initiative unites agri-food companies, start-ups, industry organizations, research institutions and government agencies to promote the sustainability of food, feed and fuel in Greater China and the world. It aims to build a cross-domain communication platform, promote the establishment of an agri-food expert think tank, provide diversified solutions fand implementation paths, promote innovation and cooperation, and jointly contribute to the low-carbon sustainable development of the entire agri-food industry.

In her introduction of the AGF Initiative at the Roundtable, Jennifer Lee, Executive Director of AgFood Future remarked, “The Initiative relies on a joint publicity platform to promote the implementation of low-carbon projects through policy and expert think tanks. With rich media resources and participants all over the world, it helps all parties tell the story of green development. As an important starting point for the development of AgFood Future, the agri-food expert think tank will provide policy recommendations, best practices, and innovation paths for the industry.

Key Themes/Interaction from Roundtable:

The Greater Food Concept Helps the Low-Carbon Transformation of the Food System

Chen Mengshan, Director of the State Food and Nutrition Consultant Committee and Leader of the Sustainable Food System Expert Group, directed related projects of the Institute of Food and Nutrition Development of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and sustainable food systems for AgFood Future. In the keynote session, Chen Mengshan shared his thoughts and input on the transformation and development of China’s food system led by the Greater Food Concept. He suggested establishing nutritious and healthy dietary goals, expanding diversified food sources, adopting green and sustainable production methods, ensuring independent and controllable food and food supply, and establishing sustainable dietary consumption patterns to guide the public in healthy dietary patterns. Chen also commented on the Initiative’s four points of action: policy, technology, standards, and social system to promote the transformation to a healthier and more resilient food system. He believes that it is necessary to establish a “Greater Food” policy system and strengthen policy support.

[Roundtable Discussion] Sustainable Development of Industry

Government-Enterprise Cooperation to Promote Low-Carbon Sustainable Development

Cheng Guangyan, Director of the Animal Food and Nutrition Policy Center of the Food and Nutrition Development Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and Chief Expert of the Dairy Trade Relief Expert Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs stated, "We are actively promoting the transformation of China's sustainable food system, and we will also introduce relevant indicators. We look forward to assisting the industry. In practice, this requires the industry to publicize its pilots and cases. In addition, the agricultural and food sustainability expert think tank that is being established will continue to put forward evaluation indicators for the sustainable development of China's food system from all links of the entire industry chain. This will provide a reference for the current situation of China's food system, its historical stage, current shortcomings, and future policy focus."

Tang Lijun, Director of the Customer and Information Management Office of the Climate Division of the Central Joint Certification Center shared the Chinese government's policy direction on climate action. She stated that the government attaches great importance to addressing climate change and has made remarkable progress. One of the key initiatives is to help the agri-food industry conduct carbon footprint accounting and establish climate labels. This will help industry to reduce its emissions and become more sustainable. Director Tang also emphasized the importance of communication between the government and enterprises. She remarked that the government needs to work closely with businesses to develop and implement effective climate change policies. Tang also stressed the need for businesses to take action to reduce their emissions. The Chinese government's commitment to addressing climate change is a positive development. By working together, the government and businesses can make a real difference in reducing emissions and protecting the environment.

Chen Mei'an, Project Director and senior analyst of the Green Innovation Development Research Institute, reiterated that the agricultural and food system is a major contributor to climate change. She highlighted that the entire system must take urgent action to reduce emissions. The cross-field platform built by AgFood Future has directly promoted the communication of multiple stakeholders, which is a positive development that should be promoted.

Positive Practice of Sustainable Industrial Development

From the representative of FMC, "Cross-field cooperation is the foundation of sustainable development. Sustainable development does not simply involve reducing an enterprise's carbon emissions. It also requires reducing carbon emissions throughout the entire supply chain, developing new products that are more sustainable, and improving farmers' production techniques. For the purpose of monitoring progress toward sustainable development, enterprises urgently require a set of shared standards and guidelines. AgFood Future is a platform that can assist us in achieving this goal by providing a forum for communication and collaboration between various stakeholders in the agricultural and food sectors. By working together, we can promote sustainable industrial development and enhance our green footprint."

The representative from Mars Inc., shared a similar perspective to FMC. For Mars, cross-field cooperation is also essential for achieving sustainable development. AgFood Future is a valuable platform for communication and cooperation between various agents in the agricultural and food industry. He believes that by working together on this platform, we can make significant progress toward sustainable development.

As an agribusiness company, Bunge is committed to reducing its environmental impact and contributing to a low-carbon future. The company has implemented various measures to conserve energy and reduce emissions, such as building photovoltaics systems, purchasing clean and green power, and participating in local carbon markets.

Spokespeople from Bayer discussed how regenerative agriculture is the next step in sustainable agriculture. Bayer believes that the AgFood Future Initiative can effectively promote the establishment of a sustainable ecosystem and the implementation of pilot projects. Through the collaboration of sustainable expert think tanks and government agencies, China can truly take advantage of its unique time, place, and conditions.

Nestlé is working to promote regenerative agriculture. The company is working with industry and related organizations to develop a clearer definition of regenerative agriculture. Nestlé is also utilizing tools to systematically assess the value of regenerative agriculture to society and the environment.

Each representative recognized the importance of the Initiative and the need for cooperation among themselves to achieve a sustainable future. Although their methods may differ, they share the same objective and are united by the common goal of the AgFood Initiative.

Reflecting on the Industry Roundtable, Wang Jimin, Deputy Director of the National Institute of Food and Nutrition Development, commented, "Every company should start from itself, to sets goals and implements emission reduction practices; pays attention to the supply chain and stakeholders, by paying attention to upstream and downstream carbon reduction training, establishes nutrition guidance, and focuses on consumer education and to promotes technological innovation and implements best practices that meet national conditions. The ultimate goal is to increase production and efficiency, which is not only in line with the purpose of regenerative agriculture but also in line with the goal of ecological low-carbon agriculture mentioned by the General Secretary."


This event has laid a strong foundation for the progression of the AgFood Future Initiative and the sustainable development of agri-food projects. Chairman Ryan Xue exuded confidence in the future of the agri-food industry, and stated, "AgFood Future will persist in establishing an agri-food expert think tank and engaging in vital discussions and projects encompassing diverse topics related to the sustainable development of the entire agri-food industry chain. Through ongoing collaboration across various fields, our aim is to provide steadfast support for the establishment of a low-carbon and sustainable agri-food industry."


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